Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The city of my solitary life.

The city of my solitary life,
I came here long ago;
With shining eyes and dreams...
You gave me aims and directions;
Taught me where to go. 

So much was your power
That I came back to you...
With dreams to be fulfilled
And life to be made. 
You taught me many things;
Solitary though my life was, 
You always kept company.

I discovered you every day;
Through the sprawling traffic;
Through the signal where I live;
Through the scorching heat of summer days;
Through the sparse rains of some years;
Through those surprise showers you have 
Been blessed with of late....

Through the ghee dripping sweets 
Of the nearby restaurant often frequented...

Through the magnificent gift of Bay of Bengal;
Those wonderful seas with the beautiful shores....
I will miss those shores and breezes,
Which run through my home here in the afternoons.
And many more things I will cherish;
Big ad small, happy and sad...

Where not have I started my journeys to?
All my long journeys started from you...
Many a place I have been to...
Many a thing I have seen....
To return to you like I go home...
Only to realise that you have become my second home
In these five solitary years....

Solitary though it seems to me, 
You surrounded me with people;
Teaching me many things,
Making me strong when I cried, 
Making me struggle when I needed,
Making me happy when I least expected,
Taking part in my life's journey...
Bitter sweet yet unforgettable....

Thank you dear city,
For making me a part of you,
At least for a small time...
People come here with dreams
And become a part of you.
Those who cannot live in you 
And leave you with memories,
Have them preserved in their hearts....

It's time for me to leave you too...
It's inevitable...
Thank you dear city for everything.
You and my solitary years discovering myself,
Will always be remembered.....
You are not only mine, 
You are always ours....
Namma Chennai. :)