Love dies when we stop talking,
Love dies when we stop being with each other,
Love dies when we seek others when we are so close,
Love dies when you leave me alone for someone else.
Should I wait for you life long?
For the love which is already dead?
Love cannot be resurrected,
Can it be?
What if, I didn't wait and you came back,
Won't our love be dead for ever?
But I have been waiting for so long,
You seem to have forgotten me,
Or are you just deliberately oblivious?
Sometimes I feel, are you worth all these
Pain and struggle, of finding hope amidst hopelessness?
Sometimes I feel may be you are the one,
And this is only a sad phase.
Are you really; now I doubt.
We never talk, we never listen,
To each other, but drift away everyday.
Miracles just don't happen in love,
Torn by everybody possible;
You, me and everybody else.
If only it were just the two of us,
Would this love be dead?
Was there love at all;
Now I doubt.
I don't know, was it there?
Is it really dead? But how can it die,
If at all it wasn't alive in the first place?
PS : Probably it is dead and forgotten.
Love doesn't rise again once lost.
It is a lost treasure,
All you can do is to believe for sometime
And then stop believing;
Miracles happen only in fairy tales.
It is very bitter to wait for somebody
Who will never turn up.
Who never even looks upon you
But adores someone else and strays away,
Betrays shamelessly and without guilt.
Yes it takes tears to heal the severe pain;
But someday you will be honestly happy,
That he didn't turn up and left you for someone else.